15 March 2011

Re-blog !?

Holaa :) 

well i really take a long rest from updating my blog . x sepatutnya berlaku :(
watever la !forget bout it and we proceed now to my latest story in school . last month i was appointed to be chief assistance for school prefect board and hostel secretary , that means , i'm now supreme council for school and hostel .. quite shock about it act .. i take that as a challenge for me cause although i'm busy with those job , it never gonna stop me to be one of school best student for SPM (coming soon) and class .. in addition , i am the new editor for school magazine after my senior Khairi fakhri ... bukan la na 'show off' dgn jwtan tu tp bile da diberi ak trime jela ..:)

tp ape yg buat ak sgt disappointed is my friend ! i know that she really hate me , tp da buakn rezeki ko tuk dpt jwtan tuh na buad cam ne .. smpi member ak yg sorg nieyh btao kat ak :

bestfriend ak : ko na tao ta , sbnrnyer kan Aminah*(bukan name sbnr ) ta suke ko dpt jwtn tuh ..
ak : siyes la ?? tp nape ?
bestfriend ak : ntah la . tp die pnh ckp ko ta layak tuk dpt jwtn tuh and sbnrnye die mmg na jadi majlis tertinggi pengawas ..
ak : WTH la !! ak ta pnh kaco die tp nape die buad ak cam nieyh ?? da sume tuh ikut undian majoriti , ak na buadd ape ... kalo die ta suke pon , org lain suke jea !
bestfriend ak : ak pon ta tao la . tp die ckp mmg die ta undi ko .. ko rilex jea .. biar die na buad pe yg die suke ..
ak : MAMPOS AR POMPUAN tuh ! sial jea ! jgn smpi ak kne kan die lagi terok dah la .. harap muke jea baik tp perangai mengalahkan BABY SETAN ! . hahah ...

itu la serba seddikit conversation ak nan member ak . siyes ak ckp ak buakn tamak dgn jwtn , tp da diberi kepercayaan cam tuh ak oke jeala .. terpulang la same ada die na dgr ckp ak or ta coz ak ta pnh heran nan die ... sedih kudd *sobsob ...tapela , ape na buad !:(

TANX to all blog walker's yang sudi singgah kat snie walopon da bersawang blog ak neyh ..
awy , for u guys information i'm getting tired and bored with my own blog . so , i decided to re-blog my page ! it will take a long period for me to make it done .. hope u guys can really understand this ..

1 comment:

  1. hah~! update ler blog kau ni.. dah bersarang aku tengok ah~
